Escape from Excel
Retail Can't Survive and Thrive on Spreadsheets

Surprisingly, more than 70% of retail companies use Excel as their principal tool for planning and demand forecasting. Many of these companies are in “Spreadsheet Hell,” a continuing state of inefficiency and disruption related to using Excel for cross channel merchandise and assortment management. Dozens and even sometimes hundreds of spreadsheets are used throughout an organization and its extended enterprise with incorrect or inconsistent formulas, inaccurate numbers, no central repository of information, and no version control. This leads to major inefficiencies, frustration, and decisions made based on incomplete information. And even with this enormous amount of data everywhere - information on sales, inventory and profits - it is generally not available in an aggregated view to intelligently take timely action.

What You Will Learn
  • How to get off Excel and have “one version of the truth”.
  • How to have more intelligent information at your finger tips to make better decisions.
  • How to get Monday morning's aggregated sales/inventory/profit reports with flexible roll-ups at any level.
  • Where your organization is on the Merchandise Maturity Model.

Presenter: Jerry Inman
Chief Marketing Officer

This online seminar is complimentary, but preregistration is required.