Maximize Market Share with Micro Merchandising
Think Globally. Act Locally.

The concept of Micro Merchandising is arguably the hottest “top of mind” topic for executives in retail today. Getting the right products to the store that the local market wants, in the right color, in the right size, in the right quantity and then priced to sell at the highest possible margin is the ultimate goal for any retailer. It takes the proper mix of “art and science” through planning, demand forecasting, and optimization to ensure that every store carries the right inventory at the right time. When retailers align the breadth and depth of their merchandise offering with the local demand of their customers, it increases the probability of full price sales. The domino effect of higher margins, higher profits, and lower markdowns is a direct effect of Micro Merchandising.

What You Will Learn
  • What is micro merchandising?
  • How micro merchandising increases profitability for retail chains
  • Why micro merchandising is no longer complicated

Presenter: Jerry Inman
Chief Marketing Officer

This online seminar is complimentary, but preregistration is required.